Good Stuff

8336 Agora Pkwy Ste. 130

Selma, TX 78154


Phone: (210) 658-4144


Hours of Operation

Mon - Sat

10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
12:00 AM –6:00 PM


Herbs are known as natural plant (or food) supplements because they are derived from and/or composed of plants. Every herb has a medicinal benefit and can potentially provide relief from many conditions. It is essential to acquire wholesome and safe herbs from trustworthy manufacturers, and Good Stuff puts every effort into providing you with the highest quality products.

 A few of the brand names we carry are:


  • Bluebonnet
  • Gaia
  • Genesis Today

  • Nature's Plus
  • Nature's Way
  • Now Foods

  • Planetary
  • Solaray       

 If you require assistance choosing the correct herb for you, contact us today and speak with one of our staff, who will be able to assist you.